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What is Tantric Latihan


A sacred space for spiritual transformation & awakening!

Tantric Latihan is an embodied movement and meditation process that was designed for the awakening of your deeper self.

This is a multi-layered experience that includes: ritual, intention, movement, connection, breath, and exploration of your inner self.

This is a ceremonial tantric journey hosted for the community to come together to remember.

Remember the sacredness of our body, the power of our breath, the softness of our hearts, and the longing for our connection to the Source and each other.

Through this transformational process, you will be guided into befriending all aspects of your being, your sexual nature, your heart's longing, and your personal connection to the great mystery.

It's a guided ceremony, a moving meditation and an alchemical practice. This is a unique experience that blends ancient and contemporary transformational tools, including bioenergetics, ecstatic dance, emotional release, chakra journey & stillness.

These elements weave together with the use of a blindfold and invite you into a deep state of presence for you to explore dormant aspects of who you are.

Get ready to experience something new & magical in a safe space held for your transformation & awakening.

This workshop will shake you up, turn you on and tune you in!

Get ready to surrender to the mystery.

Get curious about the unknown.

And let your body's wisdom show the way.

About the event:

Think Multi-dimensional experience.

Be prepared to sit, move, dance, sweat, cry, laugh, and rest - anything is possible.

This event will be experienced in a group, as an individual & with each other.

With your permission & consent, you will be blindfolded as part of Tantric Latihan, this practice is designed for you to enter into the void of pure awareness. The darkness is a portal, it is the womb of creation, and the portal through which life comes, so we call the energy of life to move through us in the void.

You can look forward to the following:

- coming together with the community, meeting like-minded Souls

- group connection, sensual self-explorations, vulnerable expressions

- learning about the art of energetic awareness through Tantric Latihan

- learning bioenergetic tools for emotional release

- being guided into ecstatic dance and movement meditation

- releasing blocked energies and strengthening your auric field

- toning, activating, and experiencing your chakra energies

- detoxing your body & reprogramming your mind

- feeling into the depths of who you are, feeling your heart, sex, and spirit.

- breathing, moving and paying attention, holding awareness.

- exploring the inner landscape of your sensual Being

Tantric Latihan welcomes all loving & curious Beings, who want to get to know themselves on a deeper level.

This will be a guided personal & transpersonal group ceremony & activation.

Intended to help you access your unique Latihan experience.

Next event will be hosted by me on March 4th in Orlando, get your tickets HERE


Tantra is a tradition rich in spiritual technologies, techniques, and practices that are clearly defined in a collection of scriptures dating back to 300 and 400 CE. Those numerous and varied texts pertain to any of several esoteric traditions rooted in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy. Tantra is made up of two Sanskrit words: Tanoti which means expansion and Rayati which means liberation. This path is focused on the direction and manipulation of universal energy as a means of liberation.

Latihan is an Indonesian term that means training or exercise. A spiritual exercise for the Soul. This process helps one to connect with spiritual energies, and the primordial power hidden within each human being.

This power can manifest itself through heat and electric sensations igniting through the body, spontaneous bodily movements and vocal releases, a mood of tranquility and joy, clarity of awareness, and love for the Divine. It works progressively to cleanse and harmonize the conflicting elements of our being, to heal and to illuminate. Its essential nature, to celebrate and praise the experience of Being alive.

This term originated within Subud an international spiritual movement that began in Indonesia. The Latihan awakens us & opens us to our true inner self, accepting, allowing, and loving. The founder of Subud, Bapak explained that the latihan is a method of worshipping God that is open to all mankind and whose source is the power of God.

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