I tried I really did
Gifting him best parts of me
The housewife in the kitchen
And divine whore in the bedroom
Sacred mother of his heart & mission protection
With fierce truth in my longing expressions.
He saw me, he loved me and he still does
He couldn't give me what I wanted so he retrieved back,
Back to a karmic five-year cycle
Now with a toxic baby momma
Who is turning his heaven on earth into a frightening
Reality that he didnt see coming
Using his baby as ammunition
With control, manipulation into a fearful season
I pray for him from a distance in ethers
Where our love stands through infinite battles
She feels something off and offers resistance
Suppression, aggression, you have no assistance.
I pray for your peace and acceptance
Of your chosen path and freedom of existence
I know you are strong, courageous, and smart
You’ve paved your own sacred path,
I'm sorry you’re midst of hellish wrath
I wrap my energetic arms and give you a loving hug
Im here for you when the waters calm down
When you remember who you are
And return to your crown.
For our connection is eternally bound.
I'm here for you -- you know where I can be found.